Cannons Code of Conduct and Sportsmanship Policy
Participation in the Cannons Lacrosse club is a privilege that carries both honors and responsibilities for athletes, coaches and parents. Adherence to the following code of conduct will help to ensure a positive, rewarding experience for all involved.
- Cannons Lacrosse players will abide by guidelines regarding the UIL "no pass, no play" rule. Players that are academically ineligible must still attend every practice but are ineligible to play in games or scrimmages.
- Cannons Lacrosse players are responsible for ensuring all fees and dues are paid in full by agreed upon dates. Failure to pay player’s dues renders the player ineligible for play in scrimmages and games.
- Cannons Lacrosse players will display positive moral, academic and leadership qualities and will refrain from using alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs at all times. Violations of the LISD code of conduct may also be considered a violation of the Cannons Lacrosse Code of Conduct (fighting, cheating, etc.)
- Cannons Lacrosse players will exhibit sportsmanlike conduct at all times whether winning or losing.
- Cannons Lacrosse players will show respect to officials, coaches, board members, spectators, volunteers and teammates on and off the field.
- Cannons Lacrosse players will not use obscene or vulgar language or gestures, intentionally violate rules, use illegal tactics or resort to displays of poor sportsmanship on or off the playing field.
- Cannons Lacrosse players will not openly dispute, argue with, embarrass or challenge the judgment of the officials. Discussions with officials concerning the game shall only involve the team head coach.
- Cannons Lacrosse players will attend practices and games unless receiving prior permission from the Coaching staff. In the event that a practice will be missed, player must contact by phone, a member of the Coaching staff at least 12 hours in advance. Individual workouts in lieu of practice may be assigned.
- Cannons Lacrosse players will abide by all LISD rules concerning personal appearance and grooming, including travel to and from all club related activities.
- Cannons Lacrosse players will respect the club’s, LISD’s, other athlete’s equipment, and personal belongings. Taking, damaging, or defacing any equipment that does not belong to them is theft and/or destruction, and will be brought before the board, regardless of intent or cost associated.
- Cannons Lacrosse players agree to fully comply with the disciplinary decisions made by the coaching staff and/or board, which will be in line with the LISD “Student Code of Conduct” and may include dismissal from the team without refund.
- Cannons Lacrosse players will permit the Head Coach, anyone on the coaching staff, and/or a board member to search personal belongings when attending any Lacrosse sanctioned event. Should the player be found to be in violation of any LISD / Cannon Lacrosse Club policies, the player’s parents will be contacted and may be asked to transport the player home.
- Cannons Lacrosse coaches will be expected to adhere to the requirements of behavior asked of the players in the “Code of Conduct.”
- Cannons Lacrosse coaches will strive to be proficient and knowledgeable in all aspects of the game of Lacrosse in order to provide proper and skillful instruction to their players.
- Cannons Lacrosse coaches will be expected to enact non-partial disciplinary action towards any athlete not abiding by the athlete’s “Code of Conduct.”
- Discussions with officials concerning the game shall only involve the team head coach. Other coaches shall not argue with or challenge the judgment of the officials
- Cannons Lacrosse parents will be expected to adhere to the requirements of behavior asked of the players in the “Code of Conduct.” No alcohol consumption is permitted at games, scrimmages or practices.
- Cannons Lacrosse parents will provide positive support and encouragement for the players
- Cannons Lacrosse parents will display proper sportsmanship to Cannons opponents and spectators.
- Cannons Lacrosse parents will not openly dispute, argue with, embarrass or challenge the judgment of the officials. Discussions with officials concerning the game shall only involve the team head coach.
- During Cannon Lacrosse Club sponsored travel, upon notification that your son has committed a serious club violation (i.e., use or possession of alcohol/drugs), the parent agrees to make immediate arrangements to transport the player home. The player will not be allowed to travel with the team for the remainder of that event. Any further disciplinary actions will be coordinated with the coaching staff and the board.
Click here to see our process for reported violations of the Code of Conduct